Welcome to Florida Atlantic University’s Recruitment Services Department
Recruitment Services is committed to assisting the University community with recruit ment, selection and appointment of qualified applicants for Faculty, Administrative, Managerial & Professional (AMP), Support Personnel (SP), Temporary, and Student positions. Our services include recruitment, advertising, and general assistance on the search and selection process as well as recruitment administration.
Recruitment Services provides assistance to all individuals seeking employment with the University. We welcome your questions regarding employment opportunities and the application process. We are committed to the fair and ethical treatment of all members of the FAU community at large.
The staff of the Recruitment Services are professionals with a very strong sense of customer service who strive for excellence in service.
For questions, concerns or additional information, please feel free to contact any of the following representatives:
Associate Director, WARC and Recruitment Services
Recruitment Services Manager
Recruitment Services Administrator
Recruitment Services Coordinator
Recruitment Services Administrator
To reach Recruitment Services via email, please use the following email address empl@aihuanjia.com. By using this email, you will receive a response from a member of Recruitment Services.
If you have questions regarding employment opportunities at FAU, please contact any of the Representatives above via or send Recruitment Services an email at jobs@aihuanjia.com. By using this email, you will receive a response from a member of Recruitment Services.